Jump Rope vs Speed Rope: Their Key Benefits & Differences?

Jump Rope vs Speed Rope: Their Key Benefits & Differences?

Choosing the rope to meet your fitness goals is essential once you have decided to opt for a rope fitness routine. It is necessary to understand the positives and negatives of the fitness accessories you select.

Weighted jump ropes are excellent at developing upper body strength and improving upper and lower body balance and coordination. Skipping rope is one of the oldest training tools that help you in all your training programs and goals.

In this blog post, we will dive deeper and understand the difference between jump rope and speed rope to determine which option suits your fitness goals.

What is a Jump Rope?

A jump rope is common workout equipment frequently used by those who are interested in getting in shape while improving their cardiorespiratory system. It’s considered to be more effective than running because your upper and lower body are in conjunction. They are usually believed to be best for casual exercisers, fitness enthusiasts, and athletes.

Types of Jump Rope

Choose a jump rope that suits you the best.

  • Basic Jump Rope: Basic jump rope is ideal for beginners. It is low-priced equipment and quite simple, also making it a suitable choice if you plan on using it indoors on a hard surface. 
  • Speed Jump Rope: Speed jump ropes have smaller handles and are lightweight. It is a good option for you if you wish to increase your speed.
  • Weighted Jump Rope: As the name explains, a weighted jump rope is heavier than a standard rope. It is filled with sand or beads. It helps you burn more calories.
  • Beaded Jump Rope: It is quite similar to the weighted jump rope. However, the weight of the beaded jump rope is evenly distributed making it easy to control and less prone to get tangled.
  • Leather Jump Rope: It is a durable piece of equipment that will surely last a long time.

Benefits of Jumping Rope

Weight loss is not the only benefit of jumping rope. Here are some of the benefits of jumping rope mentioned below:

  • Efficient Cardio: Jumping rope gets your heart rate up quickly, making it an effective cardio workout option. It involves many muscles working at once. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) incorporating a jump rope workout gets you the same benefit as moderate-intensity activity in half the time.[1]
  • Strengthens Muscles: Jumping rope relies on your upper and lower body muscles. It is a full-body workout that improves muscle strength and allows your muscles to exercise for a more extended period. It improves coordination and balance[2] which increases your explosive power for quick and sudden movements.
  • Stronger Bones: Jumping ropes healthily stresses the bones and makes them stronger. An Olympic Swimmer Study reported a significant increase in bone mineral density of the femoral neck (top of your femur, part of thigh bone) and lumbar spine (lower back) of the swimmer after participating in 20 minutes of jump rope, twice a week.[3]

Also read: Jumping Rope and Weight Loss: What Does Jump Roping Do to Your Body?

Best Jump Rope for Beginners

Usually, people make the mistake of buying a cheap PVC rope available at any departmental store. The problem with that is, that a lightweight rope makes it very difficult to master the skill for beginners. You cannot feel the rope rotate around your body hence making it difficult to time your jumps.

Skip the inexpensive plastic rope and instead buy a slightly weighted rope. The perks of using a weighted rope are that it will help you lose weight and train properly. It will allow you to feel the rope and precisely time your jumps.

What is a Speed Rope?

Speed ropes are very thin and have thin PVC plastic cords. It is a fast jump rope. The bearings allow for much more precise timed rotations. Speed ropes were specifically designed for competitions. Higher-quality speed ropes are made of aerospace-grade aluminium, it also contains 1 or 2 precision bearings per handle. The speed rope weighs about 1 ounce.

A common misconception is that because speed ropes are fast so they must produce more intensity during exercises such as CrossFit workouts. Well, that’s not the case it’s the opposite! Once you have perfected your jump rope skills you can learn to speed rope. Speed rope helps you improve your agility and stamina.

Benefits of Speed Rope

Adding speed rope exercise to your workout routine can have many benefits, a few of them are mentioned below:

  • Strengthens your lower leg muscles: Many exercises focused on strengthening the lower leg muscles can lead to some injuries, however, speed rope exercises avoid issues like muscle tightness by enhancing elasticity within your legs. 
  • Enhances breathing and cardiovascular health: A 10-minute speed jump rope workout session, three times a week will improve your lung and heart health. It lowers the risks of heart disease and other heart conditions. You can notice a visible improvement in your breathing and overall stamina.
  • Stimulates brain activity and eliminates stress: A speed rope workout has an amazing effect on the brain, when jumping our brain releases endorphins, which help reduce stress and anxiety levels. It also helps you learn new skills such as spatial awareness.

Safety Considerations When Using a Speed Rope and Jump Rope 

Jump rope exercises are low-impact exercises safe and are for most people. If you want to boost heart rate and burn more calories, fitness jump rope exercises are suitable. However, following some safety considerations reduces risk of  injury or accidents. 

Here are some tips on how to avoid injury or accidents when using a jump rope or speed rope:

Choose the right surface

Make sure to jump on a flat, even surface that is free of any obstacles or hazards. Avoid jumping on concrete or asphalt surfaces, which can be hard on the joints. Consider using a jump rope mat or a gym floor for added protection.

Wear proper footwear

Wearing supportive shoes with good cushioning can help absorb shock and reduce the risk of injury to your feet, ankles, and knees.

Choose the right rope

Make sure to choose a rope that is the right length for your height, and that the rope is properly adjusted to avoid tripping. Also, make sure the rope is made of a safe material, such as a soft PVC coating, to reduce the risk of injury if you accidentally hit yourself.


Before jumping rope, it’s important to warm up your body with some light aerobic exercise to prepare your muscles and joints for the workout.

Start slowly

Begin with a slow and steady pace to get comfortable with the movement before increasing the speed or intensity of your jumps.

Use proper technique

Keep your knees slightly bent, and jump with a relaxed and rhythmic motion. Avoid jumping too high or landing too hard, which can increase the risk of injury.

Pro Tip: Don’t forget to take breaks! If you feel fatigued or dizzy, take a break. Overexertion leads to injury or accidents.

Jump Rope Vs Speed Rope – How to Properly Size Them?

Proper sizing and adjustment of a jump rope or speed rope are important for optimal performance and comfort. Here are the steps to follow for sizing and adjusting your rope:

Determine the correct rope length

Stand on the center of the rope with both feet, and pull the rope handles up towards your armpits. The handles should reach just below your armpits. If the handles are shorter or longer than this, adjust the rope accordingly.

Adjust the rope length

Most jump ropes or speed ropes have adjustable screws or clamps on the handles that allow you to adjust the rope length. Loosen the screws or clamps, and slide the rope through the handle until it’s at the desired length. Tighten the screws or clamps to secure the rope in place. 

How to test the length:

Stand on the center of the rope with both feet, and hold the handles at your sides. The rope should be taut and not touch the ground. If the rope is too long or too short, adjust it accordingly.

Find the perfect grip

Some jump ropes or speed ropes have adjustable grips that allow you to customize the grip to your hand size. Loosen the grip screws or clamps, and adjust the grip accordingly. Tighten the screws or clamps to secure the grip in place. 

How to test the grip

Hold the handles in your hands, and make sure the grip is comfortable and secure. If the grip is too loose or too tight, adjust it accordingly.

How to Choose the Right Grip and Handle Design? Jump Rope Vs Speed Rope

The grip and handle design of jump ropes and speed ropes can play an important role in your performance and comfort during your workout. Here are some factors to consider when choosing the best option for your needs:

  • Grip material: Jump rope handles are made of plastic, rubber, or foam. Rubber and foam grips provide a soft, comfortable grip, while plastic grips offer a firmer, more durable grip.
  • Grip shape: Handles are shaped differently to fit the hand more comfortably. Some have ergonomic designs that reduce strain on the wrists and hands during use.
  • Grip size: Make sure to choose a grip size that fits comfortably in your hand. If the grip is too small, it can be uncomfortable or slip out of your hand. If the grip is too large, it can be difficult to hold and control.
  • Handle weight: Handle weight affects the feel and performance of the rope. Heavier handles provide more control and stability during use, while lighter handles allow for faster, more agile movements.
  • Bearing quality: Bearing quality impacts the rope speed and smoothness Higher-quality bearings provide smoother rotation and better performance.

How to Care for Jump Ropes and Speed Ropes?

Caring for and maintaining your jump rope or speed rope is important to ensure its longevity and optimal performance. Here are some tips for proper care and maintenance:

Store properly

When not in use, store your jump rope or speed rope in a dry, cool place. Avoid storing it in direct sunlight or in a damp or humid area as this can damage the material.

Clean regularly

Jump ropes and speed ropes can accumulate dirt, sweat, and other debris that can affect their performance. To clean your rope, wipe it down with a damp cloth after each use. For a deeper clean, soak the rope in a mixture of warm water and mild soap for 5-10 minutes, then rinse it thoroughly and hang it up to dry.

Adjust and replace worn parts

Over time, the handles and rope of your jump rope or speed rope become worn or damaged. It’s important to regularly check the handles and rope for signs of wear and tear, such as fraying or splitting. If you notice any damage, replace the worn parts or purchase a new rope altogether.

Avoid tangling

To prevent tangling, properly coil and store your rope after each use. You can also purchase a jump rope bag or case to keep your rope organized and tangle-free.

Learn proper use

Proper use is also important for the longevity of your rope. Avoid using your jump rope or speed rope on rough surfaces such as concrete, as this can cause premature wear and tear. Additionally, make sure to adjust the length of your rope to the appropriate size for your height, as this will help prevent unnecessary stress on the rope and handles.


Ropes are a versatile addition to workout equipment as they can be used with different training routines. Speed Ropes help athletes to enhance their performance and undoubtedly it is one of the reasons, that speed ropes are so famous. Jumping rope may at a glance look like a child’s game, however, it is an excellent cardio workout. It is considered to be a complete package as it is a full-body workout. Based on your fitness goals & skill level both ropes can prove extremely helpful to achieve the target.

