Calisthenics Vs Crossfit – What is Suitable For You?

Calisthenics Vs Crossfit - What is Suitable For You?

Calisthenics and CrossFit are distinct fitness training method. If you want to master your bodyweight, Calesthenics is the way to go. CrossFit on the other hand helps you with olympic weight training. In this blog, we will explore the Calisthenics Vs CrossFit differences and their goals.


Calisthenics revolves around bodyweight exercises using minimal equipment. It promotes fluid movements via motion controlled training. Calisthenics bolsters body strength, improves muscle mass and improves body composition. Here are the key aspects:

Bodyweight Mastery: 

Calisthenics helps you master handstands, muscle-ups, and pistol squats to balance your bodyweight in unusual positions. It enhances control, coordination, and overall body awareness.

Strength and Muscle Development:

Calisthenics push-ups, pull-ups, squats, and dips challenge your muscles. They increase muscle strength and accelerate muscle development.

Body Composition Improvement:

Calisthenics training aids in reducing body fat and sculpting a lean physique. The combination of resistance provided by bodyweight exercises and the calorie-burning nature of the workouts contributes to improved body composition.

Minimal Equipment:

Flexibility are among the key advantages of calisthenics. You can perform calisthenics anywhere with minimal equipment, such as a pull-up bar. It is suitable for individuals who prefer to exercise at home or in outdoor settings.


CrossFit, on the other hand, is high-intensity workout. It combines cardiovascular exercises, weightlifting, and bodyweight training. It focuses on functional fitness and athleticism. Here are the key aspects:

Varied Workouts: 

CrossFit workouts, “Workout of the Day” or WOD, consist of variable exercises targeting different fitness components. This variety makes workouts challenging and to improve overall fitness levels.

Strength Training: 

CrossFit trainers use barbells or kettlebells to add more resistance to strength training squats, deadlifts, presses, and cleans.

Body Composition and Conditioning: 

CrossFit workouts are intense and designed to burn calories and improve body composition. The combination of cardiovascular exercises, weightlifting, and bodyweight movements promotes fat burning and increased conditioning.

Competitive Atmosphere:

CrossFit gyms foster a supportive and competitive environment. The camaraderie and friendly competition among participants can provide motivation and encouragement to push your limits.

Calisthenics Vs CrossFit for Weight Loss

Both methods burn fat due to intense physical activity. With proper diet and nutrition, you can achieve ideal weight loss goals. 

Calisthenics vs. CrossFit – Key Differences

FocusBodyweight mastery, strength, and muscle developmentFunctional fitness, overall strength, and well-rounded physique
Targeted AreasStrength, muscle development, and body compositionStrength, endurance, power, and agility
EquipmentMinimal equipment: Pull-up bar, parallel bars, rings, etc.Diverse equipment: Barbells, kettlebells, rowing machines, etc.
FacilityCan be performed anywhereDedicated CrossFit gyms or boxes
Training StyleFluid and controlled bodyweight movementsVaried workouts with mixed exercises and training modalities
Competitive ElementNo specific competitive aspectCompetitive atmosphere and group workouts
ConvenienceConvenient, can be done without a gym membershipRequires access to CrossFit gym and specific equipment

How to Incorporate Calisthenics into Your Workout Routine


Start your workout with dynamic stretches, mobility exercises, and activation drills to prepare your body.

Strength Circuit:

Create a circuit of calisthenics exercises targeting different muscle groups. Get in form to do controlled push-ups, pull-ups, squats, lunges, planks, and dips in your strength circuit.

Skill Development:

Dedicate specific sessions to mastering advanced calisthenics skills like handstands, muscle-ups, or pistol squats. Practice progressions and focus on technique.

Weighted Superset:

Weight training superset will include dumbbell or kettlebell squats, lunges, and overhead presses. This set adds more resistance to your calisthenics routine.

How to Incorporate CrossFit into Your Workout Routine

WOD (Workout of the Day):

Pick CrossFit-inspired WODs and add them into your training schedule. Explore online resources or join a CrossFit gym to do daily workouts designed for your fitness level. These workouts combine cardiovascular exercises, weightlifting, and bodyweight training.

Interval Training:

Include high-intensity interval training (HIIT) sessions inspired by CrossFit. Alternate between intense exercises such as burpees, box jumps, kettlebell swings, and short rest periods.

Strength Training:

Strength training session includes squats, deadlifts or presses. You can add more resistance using barbells, dumbbells, or kettlebells to develop strength.

Olympic Lifting Practice:

If you have access to CrossFit equipment and guidance, perform Olympic weightlifting practices sessions featuring snatches and clean and jerks. Focus on technique and gradually increase the load.


Which is better: CrossFit or calisthenics?

It depends on individual preferences and goals. CrossFit training covers a broad range of athletic exercise variations so it is more suitable for athletes. 

Is CrossFit different from calisthenics?

Yes, CrossFit combines various exercises while calisthenics focuses on bodyweight exercises. Another main difference is that CrossFit training has been commercialized since 2000 but Calesthenics is as old as the introduction of physical training.

Can you get ripped with calisthenics?

Yes, calisthenics can help build strength and muscle while reducing body fat. So in short, Calesthenics can shape your body so you can achieved that desirable a ripped physique.

Are calisthenics stronger than gym?

Strength levels vary among individuals. Calisthenics primarily uses bodyweight resistance, while gym training allows for the use of external weights.

Is calisthenics enough to stay fit?

Calisthenics can be enough to stay fit, but incorporating other exercises and a balanced diet can enhance overall fitness.

Are calisthenics guys stronger than bodybuilders?

Strength levels vary among individuals. Bodybuilders focus on muscle growth, while calisthenics athletes focus on bodyweight mastery and strength relative to bodyweight.

Does calisthenics make you lean or bulky?

Calisthenics can contribute to lean muscle gain and fat loss. The level of “bulkiness” achieved varies among individuals.

Why are calisthenics athletes so shredded?

Calisthenics training promotes muscle development and reduces body fat, resulting in a shredded physique for many athletes.

Is 20 minutes of calisthenics enough?

The effectiveness of a 20-minute calisthenics workout depends on intensity, exercise selection, and individual fitness level.

Does calisthenics take longer to build muscle?

Building muscle through calisthenics takes time and consistency. Results may vary depending on individual factors.

How many times a week should I do calisthenics?

The frequency of calisthenics workouts depends on fitness level, goals, and recovery ability. Start with 2-3 sessions per week and adjust accordingly.

Does calisthenics increase testosterone?

Calisthenics, like any exercise, can have a positive impact on hormone levels, including testosterone. Consistent training, nutrition, and rest contribute to hormonal balance.


Calisthenics Vs CrossFit main difference lies in the workout approach and target areas. Calisthenics focuses on bodyweight mastery, strength, and muscle development. It requires minimal equipment and can be performed anywhere. CrossFit on the other hand incorporates varied exercises, equipment, and training modalities to improve overall fitness, functional strength, and athletic performance. 

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