The Best Ways to Improve Grip Strength With Easy Exercises and Tips

The Best Ways to Improve Grip Strength With Easy Exercises and Tips

What Is Grip Strength?

If defined in the simplest words, grip strength is a measurement of how much strength and power you can produce with your forearm and hand muscles. In order to enhance muscle power, it is a good indicator of upper-body stability and overall strength to provide a strong grip because you need to be able to hold onto weights.

Grip strength is also perceived to be merely hand strength, and while hand strength is certainly included when speaking of it, there are also several other important factors to consider.

So, first of all, the grip includes everything from the muscle tone near the elbow to the fingers. It needs to be taken this way because so many of the muscles of the forearm and hand flexor actually begin well above the elbow, and it can have an influence in some way if a muscle crosses a joint. The gripping muscles pass through the forearms, wrists, and through the palms, fingers, and thumbs as we go downward, and not just via the forearms’ front, but also the whole forearms’ back. It’s significant to mention this.

When we look at grip in this way, we begin to see that there are several patterns of motion that the lower arm musculature recognizes.

Grip Strength Benefits

There are so many benefits of performing grip strength exercises. You can do different types of training to improve finger strength and hand strength. The benefits range from health benefits, and social benefits to training reasons, and beyond. We have highlighted some benefits of handgrip workout:

Grip Strength Can Prevent Tendinitis.

Tendinitis is the inflammation of a tendon. Tendons are the thick fibrous cords that connect muscle to the bone. Tendinitis causes pressure and tenderness just outside the joint.

Although tendinitis may occur in any of your tendons, it can also occur in the shoulders, elbows, wrists, knees, and heels. Doing hand gripper exercises the right way can help the prevention of tendinitis.

You Can Prevent Your Risks of Getting Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a disorder that induces weakness, tingling, numbness in your hand, also called median nerve compression. This is because the median nerve, which runs the length of the arm, passes through a passage called the carpal tunnel in your forearm, and ends in your side.

Such exercises can reduce your risks of getting the carpal tunnel syndrome by strengthening your hands and arms.

Lesser Chances of Arthritis.

Arthritis is the tenderness and swelling in one or more than one joints. Joint pain and fatigue, which usually deteriorate with age, are the main signs of arthritis. Osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the most common forms of arthritis.

Doing these exercises will not only increase your hand’s strength but also enhance your motor skills.

You Can Perform Better and Bigger Lifts.

With a firmer finger grip strength, you will be able to lift heavier weights in the gym. Finger strength exercise can give you a solid grasp that you can call upon to improve your training outcomes by increasing your strength, particularly in pulling movements such as rows, deadlifts, chin-ups, and pull-ups.

A Stronger Grip Will Result in Better Endurance.

With a stronger hold, you will be able to do more repetitions than someone whose hands are weak. This implies that you can perform more repetitions per set of an exercise, thereby consuming more calories, shedding more weight, and building more muscles.

Better Resilience to Injuries.

Strengthened muscles and connective tissues are more resilient to injury, and stronger tissues will usually heal better in case of an injury, so you can get back on top of your game in no time. For players who participate in contact sports, this is particularly crucial, and even more so when hands play such a major role in their success. For example, in the case of football and basketball players, just by jamming a finger or pain in the wrist can significantly impede their performance and land an athlete on the bench.

Stronger Grip Also Means Better Quality of Life Later On.

Grip strength is a reliable indicator to estimate the quality of life at old age. According to research conducted on it, handgrip power was highly predictive of disability and functional limitations among healthy 45- to 68-year-old men, and even 25 years later. 

Good muscle strength during midlife can protect individuals from old age impairment by offering them a greater safety margin beyond the disability threshold. View.

Now that we know that grip training involves a lot more than using the hands, and how useful it can be to have a firm grasp, let’s take a look at some of the many established signs and symptoms that can indicate that you need to improve your grip strength. 

How to Know That You Need Arm Grip Workout: Signs & Symptoms

Here are six indicators that your hand muscles can use some strength training if you’re not sure if your grip strength requires work or not:

  • You have difficulty holding grocery bags without setting them down for a rest. 
  • You keep dropping dumbbells or barbells consistently when working out.
  • Your hands cramp sometimes.
  • You feel pressure when lifting difficult weights.
  • Your forearms and hands fatigue when shovelling snow or even when doing the simplest of tasks like walking your dog.
  • Typing on your keyboard leaves you feeling very tired.

If the answer to any or all of the questions above is yes, then it is a solid indicator that you need to start doing grip training exercises. The good news is that you can resolve this situation by working out.

How to Measure Grip Strength: Grip Strength Test

Handgrip test is performed using a dynamometer. It is held in the hand, with the elbow by the side of the body and the arm at right angles. If required, the dynamometer’s handle is modified. Its base is supposed to rest on the palm heel, while the handle should rest in the centre of the four fingers.

Then the dynamometer is squeezed using full isometric effort, which is sustained for approximately 5 seconds. No other movement of the body is required. You should be fully encouraged to provide your full effort.

With different protocols, the position of the arm and hand can vary. Different positions involve keeping the elbow at right angles according to the above technique, hanging the arm on the side, and swinging the extended arm during the gripping motion from above the head to the sides.

Types of Grip Strength

There are several established types of gripping. While some mainly involve the hands, others also include involvement of the wrist and forearm. Let’s take a look at some of them:


The process of squeezing the fingers against resistance is called crushing. Clamping (placing the fingers around something and pressing it against the palm) and crimping (directing force toward the callous line with the fingers) are identical to crushing in design but are sometimes overlooked.


Pinching requires gripping something, in contrast to the fingertips, using the thumbs. This can be static or dynamic. Static is when no movement is involved, for example clasping aboard, while dynamic involves movement, such as squeezing the handles of a clamp with force


Supporting involves lifting something, generally in an isometric manner, including deadlifts, rows, and kettlebell work, with the fingers taking the brunt of the load. It is worth noting that the actual supporting requires wrapping the fingers well across the handle. It is referred to as open hand support if the handle is wide enough that there is a gap between the fingers and thumb.


The extension of the hand is the opening of the thumb and fingers. In other words, it is antagonistic to the flexion of the thumb and fingers. 

Ulnar / Radial Deviation

This type of form also involves the wrist and the forearm. It involves angling the wrist towards the outside or the insides of the forearm. Moving it towards the thumb side is called radial deviation.

Flexion / Extension

Flexion is the folding of the wrist in such a way that the thumb, moves towards the front of the forearm. Extension is the antagonistic motion which requires moving the wrist in such a way that the back of the hand travels toward the forearm’s back.

Pronation / Supination 

Pronation is the rotation of the forearm in such a way that the palm faces down, while supination involves the rotation of the forearm in such a way that the palm faces up.


This is a mixture of all of the forms of grip strength movements mentioned above, in which the hand moves around the wrist in a circular manner.

The Best Grip Strength Training Exercises: A Step-by-Step Guide

1 Using a Hand Grip 

If you ask a professional for the best grip strength equipment, a hand exerciser will be one of them because of the immense handgrip exercise benefits. Here’s what you need to do: 

a. Buy a Hand Exerciser.

Hand exercisers help you develop your crush grip, which means how effective your hand is when grasping or clenching objects. With a hand exerciser, you can develop strength in your fingers, hands, forearms, and wrists.

  • Some hand exercisers allow the entire hand or each finger to be trained at once. Look for a hand exerciser that you can hold firmly in your hand, and it feels comfortable and secure as well.
  • Start with a smaller amount of resistance and then work your way up to greater resistance.

b. Squeeze the Hand Exerciser With Full Force While Keeping Your Arm Straight.

While squeezing the exerciser, do not twist your body or your arm. With your arm raised to your side, hold your arm straight.

  • Perform this exercise while sitting down, with your feet on the floor or, with your legs slightly apart. 
  • It might be beneficial for you to perform this exercise in front of a mirror to make sure that your form is right.

c. Do 1-2 Sets, for Warming up, of 4-6 Squeezes With Each Hand.

For your warm-up, start with a smaller amount of resistance. This will encourage your muscles to be prepared for heavier weight.

d. Perform Heavy Sets While Taking Some Rest Resting Between the Sets.

Once you feel like your body has warmed up, increase the strength on the hand exerciser. Then per hand, do 5-6 sets of 8-10 squeezes. Please allow 1-2 minutes for your hands to rest between each set.

  • For an extra challenge, incorporate squeeze and retain reps to your sets. Try squeezing the hand exerciser for 10-20 seconds, and then keep it locked.

e. Repeat These Hand Exercises 2 – 3 Times per Week.

Begin with a basic amount of weight and over time, increase the strength gradually. Increase the weight by 5 to 7 pounds at a time when you feel that your grip is becoming better. Develop the habit of using a hand exerciser as a part of your weekly exercise routine.

2. Weight Exercises

a. Perform Hex Holds Using a Dumbbell. 

Using a dumbbell that has an end shaped like a hexagon, stand while keeping your legs slightly apart with your arms at your sides. Using your hand, hold the head of the dumbbell and curl your fingers around its head. Then, raise and hold it for about 30 seconds until so that it is above the ground.

  • Repeat this exercise on each hand. Perform at least 2-3 sets.

b. Farmer’s Carries.

For this exercise, you will need 2 kettlebells or 2 dumbbells. Gripping the weights firmly with your fingers, stand up. Then, while carrying the weights with your hands, walk 20 feet in the forward direction.

  • After performing 1-2 sets of the exercise, try walking 40 feet in the forward direction for the next 1-2 sets in the same workout routine.

c. Try Doing “Pinches” Using Weight Plates.

Pinches are indeed a perfect exercise to improve the strength of your grip. Using 2 plates with a weight of 2.5 pounds each, stack them on top of each other and, on the rounded side, lift them. Then take one hand and put it on top of the weight plates, pick them up while pinching them together and keep them in front of you or on your side for thirty seconds. 

  • Do this routine with both hands. Perform 2 to 3 sets.
  • If you find the exercise to be too easy for you because you have strong fingers or large hands, add a challenge by adding extra weight plate. Then try to pinch the weight plates together with your fingers. 

d. Perform “Bottoms up” Using a Kettlebell.

Stand with your feet apart from the hip at equal distance. With the heavy part of the bell up above the back of the hand and with your fingertips grasping the top of the kettlebell firmly, grasp the kettlebell in 1 hand. Boost the elbow to the height of your shoulder and keep the kettlebell in position. 

Your upper arm must be 90 degrees higher than your upper body and your forearm must be 90 degrees bent higher than your upper arm. The kettlebell should be roughly as far from your head as the length of your upper arm. Raise it above your head and keep it there for 1-2 seconds, then gradually lower it down to the ground.

  • Do 2 to 3 sets of this exercise with each hand. It is extremely beneficial for improving your hand’s muscle control and your grip strength. 
  • When you feel that it has become easy for you to perform this routine, try walking while doing the exercise. 

e. Deadlift Holds Using a Barbell.

This is a good option for anyone who has done deadlifts before and can comfortably hold a barbell. Place your hands, on the barbell, shoulder-width apart. Keep your hands over the bar while holding the barbell.

Stand tall with your legs separated by hip-width and your knees slightly bent in a deadlift lockout position. For 5-10 seconds, keep the barbell a couple of inches off the ground. To amp up your strength, do 3-5 sets.

  • Challenge yourself to hang on to the barbell with more weight. Start relatively small, so that your muscles are not overwhelmed or impaired. Then over a period of 1-2 weeks, work your way up to tougher holds until your grip begins to feel better.

f. Repeat These Exercises 1 to 2 Times Every Week.

 As part of your fitness routine, practice doing 1 or 2 of these exercises daily. Once you’ve warmed up with light exercise, try something like a 10-minute run, jumping jacks or sprinting, and you should start incorporating them in as well. In all of these exercises, concentrate on increasing your weight and resistance so that you can develop your grip strength over time.

3. Using Bar Hangs, Push-Ups, and Pull-Ups

a. Do Pull-Ups With Different Grips.

Pull-ups are a perfect way to improve the grip and make the muscles of your arm stronger. But if you have never done this before, it is better for you to use lifting grips to keep yourself safe. 

Start with a neutral grip, and wrap your hands around the pull-up bar. Using 2 rods perpendicular to the horizontal rod, do a few pull ups, and raise your chest over the handle.

  • Another choice is to try the overhand grip, in which the palms are facing away from you and the bar is clenched by your fingertips. In this method, keep your thumbs lifted off the bar and for this exercise use a horizontal handle.
  • Try a 3 finger or 2 finger grip for a real challenge, where you’re just keeping the pull-up bar with 2 or 3 fingers in each hand.

b. Performing Pull-Ups With Ropes or Towels. 

Another choice is to drape 2 small towels over the pull-up bar or short ropes. Hold 1 in each hand and attempt to do a pull-up, gripping the towels or ropes firmly. Challenge yourself to perform 5 to 10.

  • To maximize your power, you can also hang off the towels or ropes for 30 seconds at a time. You can work your way up to performing pull-ups over time.

c. Do Bar Hangs Using a Wide Bar.

At the gym, use a wide or thick bar or use a wide bar in a nearby playground. With your feet off the ground, grab the bar with your hands and hang off it for 30 seconds. This will improve the strength of your grip and your overall body.

  • Over time, try hanging off of the bar with only 1 hand. Alternate your hands, hanging off the bar for 30 seconds at a time.
  • Also, when you are hanging off the bar, your legs can be bent. 

d. Perform Fingertip Push-Ups.

This workout will help strengthen the muscles that open your fingers, which are your extensors. Get in a push-up position with the space between your feet and your hips in accordance with your shoulders. Lift your fingers then until you are well-balanced on your fingertips. Try to do 5-10 fingertip push-ups with 1-2 sets.

  • Also, this exercise is a perfect counter motion to grabbing and squeezing weights. With fingertip push-ups, you can strengthen your hands using a full range of movements.

e. Repeat These Workouts 1 to 2 Times per Week.

Do these exercises after you warm-up, like a 10-minute run, jumping jacks, or sprints, with mild cardio. Work on increasing the number of sets you can perform with each exercise so that you can improve the strength of your grip.

Also read: What are the best foods to eat for muscle growth?

Tips on How to Improve Grip Strength

Remember to keep these tidbits in your mind as you begin your workout for your hand strength to get the most out of it:

1. Start Out at a Light Pace: 

Start by changing some of your daily lifting routine to make it more grip-intensive, and then incorporate more effort from there. For example, for a few weeks, you can use a towel as the handle on rows to get your hands accustomed to working harder, then you can also start introducing other techniques to the exercise.

2. Step up Slowly: 

It is better to do only one or two grip-intensive lifts every session one time for 1-2 weeks for those who are just starting with grip training. Step up to a maximum of 2 workouts and perform grip-specific lifts. Aim for workouts in which you train your grip 3 days a week, after a month.

3. Control the Volume: 

Keep a close eye on the volume while doing lifts that are different from the rest of the workout. Look at the volume as the number of sets and repetitions in a session. When doing lifts such as the Two Hands Pinch, most individuals develop a strong grip if they remain in the 3 – 5 sets of 3 -5 reps zone. 

4. Train Your Extensors: 

Include exercises for the extensors as well, to keep improving. By using the big rubber bands on broccoli heads you can do this quickly. Wrap the rubber band around your thumb and fingers and try to open them against the band’s resistance. This is a surprisingly effective way to strengthen the extensors. If you can perform more than 20 reps, consider introducing another rubber band before completing the next repetition to boost the resistance.

The Final Word

A firm grip is a good measure of upper-body strength because you need to be capable of holding onto weights to improve muscle strength. It’s completely normal to have poor hand and wrist muscles. Grip power is always the first thing to fail when you are doing a session with challenging weights. That’s just because smaller muscles tire easily, and they are generally less regularly trained. All the more encouragement for you to spend your time exercising your hands and forearms if you are not already doing so.

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