15 Best Exercises for Dumbbell Full Body Workout

Dumbbell Body Workout

Are you looking to supercharge your fitness routine without spending hours at the gym? Ever wondered if you could achieve a full-body workout with just a pair of dumbbells? Dumbbell full body workout is awesome, and here’s why: Dumbbell workouts are incredibly versatile, allowing you to target different muscle groups with a variety of exercises. Plus, they’re super convenient—you can use them anywhere, whether you’re at home or in the gym. Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve been lifting for a while, dumbbell workouts can be adapted to suit your fitness level. They’re fantastic for building functional strength and improving coordination. With dumbbells, you can mix up your routine, keep things fun, and work towards your fitness goals effectively. It’s no wonder so many people love incorporating dumbbell workouts into their fitness routine! 

In this guide, I will share:

  • Should you use dumbbells for a full body workout?
  • Can you get a full body workout using dumbbells?
  • What are the best exercises for full body dumbbell workout?
  • Should you do dumbbell exercises wearing a sauna suit?

Let’s dig in

Can I get a full body workout with just dumbbells? 

Yes, you can achieve a full body workout using only dumbbells. Dumbbells allow you to target multiple muscle groups with a variety of exercises, providing an effective full body workout.

What is the best full body workout with dumbbells? 

The best full body workout with dumbbells includes compound exercises such as squats, lunges, deadlifts, chest presses, rows, shoulder presses, and core exercises like Russian twists and planks. Incorporating a mix of these exercises ensures comprehensive muscle engagement. 

Dumbbell Full Body Workout Plan

Warm-Up (5-10 minutes)

  • Light cardio (jogging, jumping jacks, etc.)
  • Dynamic stretching


1. Dumbbell Squats

Target Muscles: Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes

Sets: 3

Reps: 10-12


  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding a dumbbell in each hand at your sides.
  • Lower your body by bending your knees and hips, as if sitting back into a chair, keeping your chest up and spine neutral.
  • Descend until your thighs are parallel to the ground.
  • Push through your heels to return to the starting position.
Dumbbell Squats

2. Dumbbell Bench Press

Target Muscles: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps

Sets: 3

Reps: 8-10


  • Lie on a bench, holding dumbbells directly above your chest with arms fully extended.
  • Lower the dumbbells to the sides of your chest by bending your elbows.
  • Push the dumbbells back up to the starting position.
Dumbbell Bench Press

3. Dumbbell Row

Target Muscles: Back, Biceps

Sets: 3

Reps: 8-10 per side


  • If using a bench, place one knee and hand on the bench for support. Hold a dumbbell in the other hand with your arm extended.
  • Pull the dumbbell upwards to the side of your torso, keeping your elbow close to your body.
  • Lower the dumbbell back to the starting position.
Dumbbell Row

4. Dumbbell Lunges

Target Muscles: Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes

Sets: 3

Reps: 10 per leg


  • Stand upright holding dumbbells at your sides.
  • Step forward with one leg and lower your body until both knees are bent at 90 degrees.
  • Push off your front foot to return to the starting position.
  • Repeat with the other leg.
Dumbbell Lunges

5. Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Target Muscles: Shoulders, Triceps

Sets: 3

Reps: 10


  • Stand or sit with dumbbells held at shoulder height, elbows bent and palms facing forward.
  • Press the dumbbells upward until your arms are fully extended overhead.
  • Lower the dumbbells back to shoulder height.
Dumbbell Shoulder Press

6. Dumbbell Deadlift

Target Muscles: Hamstrings, Glutes, Lower Back

Sets: 3

Reps: 10


  • Stand with feet hip-width apart, holding dumbbells in front of your thighs.
  • Hinge at your hips and slightly bend your knees, lowering the dumbbells toward the floor.
  • Keep your back straight and return to the upright position.
Dumbbell Deadlift

7. Dumbbell Bicep Curls

Target Muscles: Biceps

Sets: 3

Reps: 10-12


  • Stand holding dumbbells at your sides, palms facing forward.
  • Curl the dumbbells up towards your shoulders, keeping your elbows stationary.
  • Lower the dumbbells back to the starting position.
Dumbbell Bicep Curls

8. Dumbbell Tricep Kickback

Target Muscles: Triceps

Sets: 3

Reps: 10 per arm


  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand and hinge forward at your hips, keeping your back straight.
  • Keep your elbows close to your body and bent at 90 degrees.
  • Extend your arms backward until they are straight, then return to the bent elbow position.
Dumbbell Tricep Kickback

9. Dumbbell Calf Raises

Target Muscles: Calves

Sets: 3

Reps: 15


  • Stand upright holding dumbbells at your sides.
  • Rise up onto the balls of your feet, lifting your heels off the ground.
  • Lower your heels back to the ground.
Dumbbell Calf Raises

10. Dumbbell Russian Twists

Target Muscles: Core (Obliques)

Sets: 3

Reps: 12-15 per side


  • Sit on the ground with knees bent, feet lifted slightly, and back tilted backwards.
  • Hold a dumbbell with both hands in front of you.
  • Twist your torso to move the dumbbell to one side of your body, then to the other side.
Dumbbell Russian Twists

11. Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat

Target Muscles: Quadriceps, Hamstrings, Glutes

Sets: 3

Reps: 8-10 per leg


  • Stand about two feet in front of a bench or step, holding dumbbells at your sides.
  • Place one foot behind you on the bench.
  • Lower your body until your front thigh is parallel to the ground.
  • Push through your front heel to rise back up.
Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat

12. Dumbbell Overhead Tricep Extension

Target Muscles: Triceps

Sets: 3

Reps: 10-12


  • Stand holding one dumbbell with both hands above your head, arms straight.
  • Bend your elbows to lower the dumbbell behind your head.
  • Straighten your arms to lift the dumbbell back overhead.
Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension

13. Dumbbell Renegade Row

Target Muscles: Back, Core, Shoulders

Sets: 3

Reps: 8-10 per arm


  • Start in a plank position holding dumbbells on the ground, hands shoulder-width apart.
  • Row one dumbbell up to your side while stabilizing your body with the other arm.
  • Lower the dumbbell and repeat with the other arm.
Dumbbell Renegade Row

14. Dumbbell Hammer Curls

Target Muscles: Biceps, Forearms

Sets: 3

Reps: 10-12


  • Stand holding dumbbells at your sides, palms facing each other.
  • Curl the weights up towards your shoulders, keeping your palms facing each other.
  • Lower them back down with control.
Dumbbell Hammer Curls

15. Dumbbell Front Raise

Target Muscles: Shoulders (Anterior Deltoids)

Sets: 3

Reps: 10-12


  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, holding dumbbells in front of your thighs.
  • Raise the dumbbells straight in front of you to shoulder height, keeping your arms straight.
  • Lower them back down slowly.
Dumbbell Front Raise

 Cool Down (5-10 minutes)

  • Light stretching focusing on all major muscle groups

Dumbbell Full Body Workout Tips:

Use Hand Wraps for Grip and Wrist Support

Purpose: Hand wraps can provide additional grip strength and wrist support, especially when lifting heavier weights. This can be crucial in exercises like the dumbbell row or bench press, where a firm grip is essential.

How to Use: Wrap them snugly around your wrists and palms. Make sure they are tight enough to offer support but not so tight that they cut off circulation.

Use Resistance Bands for Added Challenge

Purpose: Resistance bands can add extra resistance to your dumbbell workouts, increasing the intensity and muscle engagement. They’re particularly useful for exercises like squats and lunges.

How to Use: Loop a resistance band around your thighs or calves during squats or lunges to add extra resistance. For upper body exercises, you can use bands to perform pull-aparts or banded rows as complementary exercises.

You can use resistance bands during following dumbbell exercises:

  • Dumbbell Squats
  • Dumbbell Lunges
  • Dumbbell Deadlift
  • Dumbbell Step-Ups
  • Dumbbell Shoulder Press
  • Dumbbell Row
  • Dumbbell Hammer Curls
  • Dumbbell Front Raise
  • Dumbbell Squat Press
  • Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat

Include a Mix of Compound and Isolation Exercises

Compound exercises like squats and deadlifts target multiple muscle groups, while isolation exercises like bicep curls and tricep kickbacks focus on specific muscles.

Stay Hydrated

Drink plenty of water before, during, and after your workout to stay hydrated. Pay attention to how your body feels. If you experience pain (other than normal muscle soreness), consider modifying or skipping certain exercises. 

Should You Perform Full body dumbbell workout in Sauna suits?

Sauna suits aid water weight loss by raising the body temperature. You can wear the sauna suits during initial dumbbell warm up sessions. However, it is recommended to avoid wearing sauna suits for the entire duration of workout.

Can we build a body only with dumbbells? 

Yes, you can build a strong and toned physique using only dumbbells. Dumbbells offer versatility and can be used to target all major muscle groups through a variety of exercises. Consistent training with progressive overload and proper nutrition can lead to muscle growth and strength gains.

Is a 30 minute dumbbell workout enough? 

A 30-minute dumbbell workout can be sufficient for maintaining overall fitness and muscle tone, especially if the workout is intense and targets multiple muscle groups. However, the effectiveness of the workout depends on factors like exercise selection, intensity, and individual fitness goals. For muscle building and strength gains, longer or more frequent sessions may be necessary.

Enjoy the workout!

Full-body dumbbell workouts are awesome for your fitness journey. They work multiple muscle groups at once, making you stronger and more coordinated for everyday activities and sports. Plus, they help balance your muscles, prevent injuries, and improve posture. With so many exercises to choose from, like squats and presses, dumbbell workouts fit everyone’s needs. So, jump in, have fun with the variety, and enjoy the benefits of full-body dumbbell workouts!

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